Our Purpose

At Lockwood SOUTH we work together to provide a safe and stimulating learning environment that engages students to work toward achieving their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and co-operation.

We believe all Lockwood SOUTH Primary School children have the right to a safe, respectful and supportive environment which promotes and encourages a student voice and love for learning.

We consistently encourage students to become independent lifelong learners who value themselves, others and learning in an ever changing world.

We place a strong emphasis on the teaching of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening and Mathematics. We also provide specialised teaching areas in Physical Education, Visual Arts, Mandarin, Hands on Learning, Information Communication Technology and Discovery. We use the Integrated Inquiry Approach when teaching: Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Our school promotes the active involvement of parents in many facets of school life, both in and out of the classroom.

We are proud of our school, our students, staff, parents and community.

© Lockwood South Primary School