Our Values

At Lockwood SOUTH our school values underpin all that we do. Each term we focus on one value and each fortnight look at what this means for our learning community.

At Lockwood SOUTH we... help everyone to learn in our Learning Space, respect our environment, look after and encourage others, celebrate our achievements and understand and demonstrate our School Pledge.

At Lockwood SOUTH we... follow teacher's instructions the first time, come to class ready to learn, perservre to compete work, no opt out and take responsibility for our own work.

At Lockwood SOUTH we...look after and return equipment, call each other by our names, keep our hands and our feet to ourselves-personal space, only throw balls and only have put ups no put downs.

At Lockwood SOUTH we...listen when someone is speaking with no interrupting, show respect by speaking kindly to one another, accept that everyone is different, asking permission before touching someone else's belongings and play fairly by the rules.

© 2019 Lockwood South Primary School